Traveling Light: Less is More

In the comedy movie Four Rooms, a witch whose entire luggage consists of a single broom states that she “likes to travel light.” Now, your idea of traveling light doesn’t need to be nearly as extreme – you can still pack the essentials without bringing yourself down with a heavy backpack.

The basics of your luggage

Light or not, you’ll need to carry some sort of backpack with you. Its size should depend on your specific needs – even some who would call themselves light packers will still have a humongous backpack accompanying them, and that’s fine.

The duration and type of your trip determines how heavy your luggage should be. For example, will you have access to a washing machine? If not, you might need to double the amount of clothes you intend to bring along.

In terms of clothing, consider the conditions around the places you visit. If it’s something like a tropical forest, feel free to pack only light T-shirts and shorts. But if there’s chance of a sudden ice age coming about, don’t get caught freezing because you were too lazy to pack a jacket.

If you’re going to a place that isn’t exactly brimming with modern appliances, you’ll probably want to carry a week’s worth of clean clothes just to be on the safe side, as well as enough towels and similar accessories.

While it might not seem necessary as you’re packing, you could quickly realize that carrying an extra pair or two of quality shoes is a sensible idea. If the only shoes you’re bringing along are the ones you’re wearing, a simple misstep into a muddy puddle can easily ruin your trip and force you to walk around all native and barefoot. Shoes can also decide to break down anywhere and anytime, so be sure to have that extra pair around.

Accessories – documentation, money, useful products

Have all your documentation with you so you don’t end up lost in translation: your ID, passport, driver’s license – heck, even a birth certificate can’t hurt. Also, don’t rely on credit cards – always keep a modest amount of locally-accepted cash on you in case of an emergency. That way, you won’t end up having to pawn your $500 watch for $20.

Aside from that, here are 4 ExOfficio products you should consider bringing with you to make the trip more pleasant, regardless of the destination:

  • Ziwa Insect Shield Pants: These will protect you from ticks and similar critters without forcing you to spray anything on yourself, and they’ll also help you look fashionable.
  • Sun Protective Clothing: The sun is nice and all, but too much of it can burn you and even cause cancer later on in life. While all clothing offers some degree of sun protection, ExOfficio’s line does a much better job of it.
  • Sol Cool Clothing: If you’d like to go a step further, these clothes will make you feel cooler in the sun on top of protecting you from harmful rays.
  • Pocket System Clothes: These use ‘smart’ icons on clothing to help you store your items of importance more efficiently.

Special thanks to my friend Steve Cloud who lives and works in the Texas Hill Country.